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What protection do the products have against overvoltage?

High voltage, backwards induced from the motor, is measured from the controller. The controller tries to reduce the energy if the value which is set in the controller is exceeded. Via the motor or by reducing the deceleration. Alternatively a brake chopper can be connected to the DC-supply.

Is there some sort of thermal protection for my motor?

All FAULHABER Controllers do calculate an estimated winding temperature based on the environmental temperature and the measured current. If the calculated winding temperature is higher than a first threshold, the current is limited to the configured continuous current. If the estimated winding temperature is increasing further the power-stage will finally be shut off.

Is there some sort of auto-tuning for the control loops?

Yes of course. Using the motor selection wizard all control loops are preset for the selected motor. After this it's the speed loop and the position loop that might be tuned to the application.

So in a second step the connected inertia can be identified by means of a step response test – if possible. Alternatively you can enter a best guess for the inertia of the system compared to the motor. In both cases the control parameters for the speed- and the position loop are adjusted. Same for the profile parameters. Further tuning might be necessary and is supported by our interactive tuning tool.

Which controller should be used for an xxxx motor?

Try to select a controller where the continuous current of the motor is not less than 30% of the continuous current of the controller. So for a 3268 BX4 with a cont. current of around 2A, the MC 5005 is fine, the MC 5010 might not be the best selection.

The reason is the limited resolution of the current measurement. But anyway: it always depends of the type of operation. Position control is usually fine even for a 1A motor at a 10A driver, torque control might be somehow dissatisfying.

How is it possible to duplicate the configuration to the next Controller?

Parameterization and duplication requires the Motion Manager software. The configuration can be send and saved via the Object browser. This parameter file (XDC) can be loaded in the same way into the unconfigured device.

Is it possible to restore the delivery configuration state of the device?

The command „restore_all“ must be send via the terminal. A power cycle is needed after this command.

Do these controllers support non FAULHABER motors too?

Yes we do. In the end it's a matter of the feedback-system and the parameter range of the motor. FAULHABER controllers are optimized for coreless motors. Electrical time-constants of these motors are as low as 50µs. But even state of the art standard servo-motors with an electrical time constant of around 1ms are supported. In the end we will have to check the parameters. So either try to add your motor to the database of the FAULHABER MotionManager or send a request to mcsupport[at]

Which feedback-systems are supported by the FAULHABER controllers?

There are various feedback options. BLDC-servo-motors will typically have either digital or analog hall signals. Additionally they can have an incremental encoder. Alternatively FAULHABER motors using an AES absolute encoder can easily be used.

DC-motors will require an incremental encoder.

Do these controllers support different Abs-Encoders or Mutli-turn absolute encoders?

The MC5010, MC5005 and MC5004 do implement an SSI encoder interface. Single turn and multi-turn encoders can be configured using either SSI or BiSS interfacece. There are some restrictions however. You might want to check with our AppNote 158 or send a request to mcsupport[at]

MC V2.5
How is it possible to duplicate the configuration to the next Controller?

Parameterization and duplication requires the Motion Manager software. A parameter file (.MCP) can be generated via the menu tab "Receive file". This parameter file can be downloaded in the same way on the unconfigured device.

Is it possible to restore the delivery configuration state of the device?

- RS232:

The command „fconfig“ must be send via the terminal. A power cycle is needed after this command.

- CAN:

The command „restore_all“ must be send via the terminal. A power cycle is needed after this command.

How is it possible to duplicate the configuration to the next Controller?

Parameterization and duplication requires the Motion Manager software.

In the “drive configuration” (last tab) a parameter file can be created (.BIN) This parameter file can be downloaded in the same way into the unconfigured device.

Is it possible to restore the delivery configuration state of the device?

In the drive configuration (last tab) you will find the button "Load factory settings".

Is it possible to operate BL motors without sensors?

It is not possible with Motion Controllers. The feedback signal is needed for the commutation.

The Speed Controller (except SC5004 / 8) can control BL motors without sensors feedback. The commutation point is determined by the back EMF

What are the voltage levels of the RS232?

For the MC2 / 3, a voltage level of -5.5 volts can be expected on the TxD line. The MCxx 3002 x RS and the 22xx BX4 CSD deliver -4 volts. Depending on the master system, different voltages are possible on RxD (typically a PC delivers between -5V ... -9V).

What is a typical configuration of the CANopen network settings for a FAULHABER Motioncontroller?

Baud rate might be anywhere between 125kBit and 1Mbit. We recommend to use node-guarding. Guard time could be 100ms, life time factor of the guarding = 3. Use a Synch with a minimum of 10ms. Add 1ms to the synch cycle for every node. To reduce the bus traffic send the RxPDOs only if a value has changed (transmission type 255). In most cases actual values are monitored cyclically though. So change their transmission type to 1 – every SYNCH cycle.

Even using the FAULHABER Motionmanager I don't detect any CANopen controller at all?

Check the termination resistors. The standard configuration is a 120 Ohm termination at the two ends of the bus. So if the devices are switched off, you should be able to measure a resistance of 60 Ohm between CAN_H and CAN_L.

I don't have such an ideal bus. It's more like a star configuration. Where do I place the termination.

There is no strict rule. The overall value has to be in the range of 40 Ohm to 80 Ohm. But the places with the best effect have to be identified my minimization of bus errors. Start with a 60 Ohm in the central connection.

I seem to be unable to change the PDO mapping of the FAULHABER controllers using my CAN-master.

There is a sequence for the PDO mapping. Even dynamic mapping should be done while the nodes are still in the pre-operational stage of the CAN communication. It can be done in the operational stage too. To do this, the invalid bit of the PDO has to be set first. This is the MSB of the COB-ID parameter of the PDO. Then change the mappings and reset the invalid bit again.

What is the typical / minimum update rate supported by our controllers?

The minimum update rate is 500µs, typical values could be 1ms … 2ms depending on the type of operation. For a system using server based interpolation 1ms is a good choice.

What are all these different OpModes for: Which one should I use?

Profile based modes (PP, PV) are used if only a single axis is moved or if the different axes to be moved don't need a tight synchronization. These modes are ideally suited for a bus system, with limited update rate such as RS232 or CAN. Controller based scripts are the same.

Cyclic modes (CSP, CSV, CST) are used, if the trajectory of the movement is calculated in the master. This can be for a single axis or for a multi-axis configuration. In these cases even some of the control loops (most probably the pos loop only) might be closed in the master. A typical configuration is a master using NC-I interpolation and a number of slaves in CSP mode like our milling cutter demo.

Analog modes (APC, AVC, ATC) are used, if the ref-value is not to be received via bus system but via one of the discrete inputs. This can be torque-, speed- or position control using an analog ref like a potentiometer or an analog output of a PLC. It can be a PWM-ref or a ref-encoder in gear-mode.

Application Notes






AN 016 - MCST3601 – stallGuard2TM

Category: System setup


AN 017 - MCST3601 – coolStepTM

Category: System setup


AN 018 - MCST3601 – Reference Search

Category: System setup


AN 019 - MCST3601 – Encoder

Category: System setup


AN 132 - Speed Controllers for Motors with Analogue Hall Sensors

Category: System setup

Choose Language English Deutsch


AN 149 - Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 and FAULHABER MC V2.5/V3.0 CANopen

Category: PLC Setup


AN 150 - Getting started with FAULHABER EtherCAT

Category: PLC Setup


AN 151 - Feedback Control Tuning with Motion Manager 6.3 or higher

Category: System setup


AN 154 - Updating FAULHABER EtherCAT controller

Category: PLC Setup


AN 155 - Support of Third Party BLDC motors

Category: Third-party Components


AN 158 - Support of Absolute Encoders with SSI / BiSS-C interface

Category: Third-party Components


AN 159 - Position encoder on the load-side of a gearbox

Category: System setup


AN 161 - Omron PLC and FAULHABER V3.0 EtherCAT

Category: PLC Setup


AN 164 - Codesys and FAULHABER V3.0 EtherCAT

Category: PLC Setup


AN 165 - Using BASIC Scripts of a FAULHABER Motion Controller V3.0

Category: System setup


AN 169 - TwinCAT 3 NC Axes and FAULHABER MC V3.0 EtherCAT

Category: PLC Setup


AN 171 - Kendrion and FAULHABER MC V3.0 EtherCAT

Category: PLC Setup


AN 174 - Setup and configuration of a CANopen sub-system

Category: PLC Setup


AN 176 - Tutorial on the MomanLib

Category: Tools and Libraries


AN 177 - Datasheet operating points of Speed Controller Systems

Category: System setup


AN 178 - Reduction of PWM motor power losses using additional inductances

Category: System setup


AN 182 - Using a separately activatable motor supply

Category: System setup


AN 183 - Equivalent DC-current in FAULHABER SC and MC

Category: Essentials


AN 184 - Adapter settings for Motion Control Systems

Category: System setup


AN 185 - Operating a MC V3.0 EtherCAT driver as a CODESYS SoftMotion drive

Category: PLC Setup


AN 186 - Operating a FAULHABER CO driver out of a CODESYS environment

Category: PLC Setup


AN 187 - Grounding, shielding and filtering - Installation of the drive system in the machine

Category: System setup


AN 188 - Settings for a RS232 network of Motion Controllers

Category: System setup


AN 189 - Designing a motherboard for a MC3001 Motion Controller

Category: System setup


AN 191 - Control MC V3.0 MotionController via RS232 an Arduino Library

Category: Tools and Libraries


AN 195 - Change from Motion Controllers V2.5 to V3.0 - CANopen interface

Category: System setup


AN 196 - Change from Motion Controllers V2.5 to V3.0 - Control via RS232 interface

Category: System setup


AN 197 - Best practice RS232 communication

Category: PLC Setup


AN 198 - Designing a motherboard for a MC3602B/MC3606B Motion Controller

Category: System setup


AN 200 - SIN-COS interface and temperature sensor

Category: Essentials

Declaration of Conformity and Installation Declaration


ProductDocument NumberDocument NumberDownload
MC3001B, MC3001PEG-00016-001EG-00017-001ZIP
2214…BXTH SC, 3216…BXTH SC, 4221…BXTH SCEG-00018-001EG-00019-001ZIP
MC5005S, MC5010SEG-00024-001EG-00025-001ZIP
MCS 32xx RS/CO, MCS 32xx ETEG-00026-001EG-00027-001ZIP
MCDC3002P, MCDC3002S, MCBL3002F, MCBL3002P, MCBL3002SEG-00028-001EG-00029-001ZIP
2232S…BX4 CxD, 2250S…BX4 CxDEG-00030-001EG-00031-001ZIP
MCDC3003P, MCDC3006S, MCBL3003P, MCBL3006S, MCLM3003P, MCLM3006SEG-00032-001EG-00033-001ZIP
3242…BX4 Cx, 3268…BX4 Cx, 3564…B CxEG-00034-001EG-00035-001ZIP
SC1801F, SC1801P, SC1801SEG-00036-001EG-00037-001ZIP
SC2402P, SC2804SEG-00038-001EG-00039-001ZIP
SC5004P, SC5008SEG-00040-001EG-00041-001ZIP
1525…BRC, 1935…BRCEG-00042-001EG-00043-001ZIP
2232…BX4 SC, 2250…BX4 SC, 2250…BX4S SCEG-00046-001EG-00047-001ZIP
3242…BX4 SC, 3242…BX4 SCDC, 3268…BX4 SC, 3268…BX4 SCDCEG-00048-001EG-00049-001ZIP
2610…B SC, 2622…B SCEG-00050-001EG-00051-001ZIP
22xx BX4 IMC RS/COEG-00052-001EG-00053-001ZIP
MC3602B RS/CO, MC3602B ET, MC3606B RS/CO, MC3606B ETEG-00054-001EG-00055-001ZIP



License Agreement (PDF) DeutschEnglish

Integration Electronics

  • 2232 BX4 IMC RS/CO
  • 2250 BX4 IMC RS/CO
  • 2232 BX4 CSD/COD
  • 2250 BX4 CSD/COD
  • 3242 BX4 CO, RS
  • 3268 BX4 CO, RS
  • 3564 BX4 CO, RS
  • MCS 3242 BX4 CO/ET/RS
  • MCS 3268 BX4 CO/ET/RS
  • MCS 3274 BP4 CO/ET/RS


  • MCxx 3002 S/F/P
  • MCxx 3003 P
  • MCxx 3006 S
  • MC 5004 P CO/RS / ET
  • MC 5005 S CO/RS/ET
  • MC 5010 S CO/RS/ET
  • MC 3603 S CO/RS/ET



Beckhoff PLCDownload


Omron PLCDownload


Kendrion PLCDownload


RaspberryPi with CODESYS ControlDownload




Communication Library MomanLib (Programming Library for Windows 32- and 64-bit)Download


SIMULINK® LibraryDownload

Software examples

A collection of examples for device scripting, with additional comments in Code.

Good for Beginners and Intermediates


MC V2.5 / MC V3.0 Sample programsDownload

Integration Electronics

  • 2232 BX4 CSD/COD
  • 2250 BX4 CSD/COD
  • 3242 BX4 CO, RS
  • 3268 BX4 CO, RS
  • 3564 BX4 CO, RS


  • MCxx 3002 S/F/P
  • MCxx 3003 P
  • MCxx 3006 S



MC V2.5 Firmware 3150.12 C for CS-BX4, CSD-BX4,

MCBL3003P-RS, MCBL3006S-RS, MCBL3002x-RS


Support Files


Instructions for installing the FilesDownload


Files for the Motion Manager (*.xdd)Download


Files for CAN master / PLC (*.eds)Download



Technical Manual MCxx3002/03/06

Choose languageDeutschEnglish


Technical Manual CxD/CS

Choose languageDeutschEnglish


Communication Function Manual RS232 DC/BL

Choose languageDeutschEnglish


Communication Function Manual RS232 LM

Choose languageDeutschEnglish


Communication Function Manual CAN DC/BL

Choose languageDeutschEnglish


Communication Function Manual CAN LM

Choose languageDeutschEnglish

Integrated Electronics

  • MCS 3242 BX4 CO/ET/RS
  • MCS 3268 BX4 CO/ET/RS
  • MCS 3274 BP4 CO/ET/RS
  • 2232 BX4 IMC RS/CO
  • 2250 BX4 IMC RS/CO


  • MC 3001 P CO/RS
  • MC 3001 B CO/RS
  • MC 5004 P CO/RS/ET
  • MC 5005 S CO/RS/ET
  • MC 5010 S CO/RS/ET
  • MC 3603 S CO/RS/ET



MC V3.0 Firmware O 02/2025 – FirmwareDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware O 02/2025 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware N 04/2024 – FirmwareDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware N 04/2024 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware M 05/2023 – FirmwareDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware M 05/2023 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware L 03/2021 – FirmwareDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware L 03/2021 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware K 01/2020 – FirmwareDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware K 01/2020 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware J 11/2018 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware I 11/2017 – Release NotesDownload


MC V3.0 Firmware H 05/2017 – Release NotesDownload

Motion Controller

  • MCST 3601

Example files


IDE and example filesDownload


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An engineer who is juggling with four different types of FAULHABER motors, representing the Motion Controller MC 3602/3606B, which can control these for motor types. Blue background.
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Motion Controller
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A motion controller with even more possibilities: With the new MC 3602 B and MC 3606 B motion controllers, the selection and commissioning of drive systems is now even simpler. With the compact MC 3602/06 B, DC-motors, brushless DC-motors and linear motors can be operated with the typical position…

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