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Stepper Controllers

Stepper motor controllers from FAULHABER - simple start-up

FAULHABER Stepper Controllers are fully programmable and allow to control a large choice of our stepper motors thanks to their tuneable current range. They offer microstepping capabilities up to 256 microsteps per full step as well as the possibility of controlling multiple axis when connecting several boards together.

They are intended to be used as evaluation boards and allow a quick setup thanks to screw terminals and a Molex connector compatible with the standard cables solutions offered on stepper motors. USB communications and many outputs and input signals allow for quick testing and external interaction.

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Motion Controller for stepper Motor - Perspective view
Multiple inputs and outputs for encoder or external sensors
Built-in reference search modes
Minimal wiring requirements
Parametrization with “TMCL-IDE” software and USB interface
Simple start-up

Stepper Controllers from FAULHABER


The stepper motor controller MCST3601 is a motion controller based on the TMC429 and TMC260 chips from Trinamic®.

It is meant as evaluation board and can be controlled using the “TMCL-IDE” software. Its graphical user interface allows to easily tune parameters and operate motors using either a direct mode or a standalone mode. Code can be written using the TMCL language and can then be downloaded on the module.

The key points that characterize the stepper motor controller are the following:

  • Supply voltage between 9 and 36 V DC
  • Selection of the current range up to 1.1A RMS
  • Microstepping up to 256 µsteps per full step
  • Several digital input and output
  • Possibility to read a 3 channels encoder
  • Use in “Master” or “Slave” mode
  • Graphs to plot variables such as velocity or position
  • Stall detection and current optimization functions


Several application notes and some example programming files with the parameters for each FAULHABER stepper motors are available. These allow to simplify the start-up process and grasp the main settings to take into account.

The “TMCL-IDE” software can be downloaded here

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