On this platform we provide you with the very latest news from FAULHABER, report on the many different application areas for FAULHABER products, publish interesting technology articles, present new products, and much more besides.
The year 2024 is filled with numerous sporting events – the UEFA European Football Championship in Germany, the Olympics and Paralympics in France. Switzerland, too, is hosting a special event: the Cybathlon 2024. Teams from all around the world have competed across various...
How can ideas for inclusion be realized? And how can comprehensive accessibility be achieved? These questions are being tackled not only theoretically but also practically. The scientists and engineers at the MedTech Lab of the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)...
"The value of an idea lies in its use" - as inventor Thomas Edison once accurately put it. An attitude that is also reflected in the FAULHABER slogan "Innovation in motion driving a better tomorrow". Because: drive systems from FAULHABER enable high-quality, durable and powerful...
How can technology help to overcome barriers? And how can modern technologies be used to make everyday life easier for people with physical disabilities and, in this sense, overcome limits? The MedTech Lab at the Swiss University of Applied Sciences OST is looking for answers and...
On May 14, 2024, the FAULHABER Supplier Award was presented to the Swiss company SALEM SA. The company specializes in CNC machining and has been a reliable partner of FAULHABER for 25 years.
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