On this platform we provide you with the very latest news from FAULHABER, report on the many different application areas for FAULHABER products, publish interesting technology articles, present new products, and much more besides.
With every new development and advancement in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries, there are benefits to human health as well. Progress brings significant advantages to treatments and therapies. However, these industries are often also confronted with challenges. New...
The drive specialist FAULHABER is strengthening its market presence in the Nordic countries. Starting in January 2025, the company will operate under the name FAULHABER Nordic ApS in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The head office will be located in Allerød, Denmark, just north of...
The year 2024 is filled with numerous sporting events – the UEFA European Football Championship in Germany, the Olympics and Paralympics in France. Switzerland, too, is hosting a special event: the Cybathlon 2024. Teams from all around the world have competed across various...
Beginning with something extraordinary and then going even further with every detail—that’s how one could describe the concept of car manufacturer Bugatti. For the display of the upcoming luxury model “Tourbillon,” something truly special will be presented. Instead of a digital...
Sophisticated and state-of-the-art technologies ensure that doctors today can accomplish things with the help of medical technology that seemed unthinkable 20 years ago. Thanks to advanced developments and high-tech devices, it is possible to provide even more and better treatments in...
Sophisticated and state-of-the-art technologies ensure that doctors today can accomplish things with the help of medical technology that seemed unthinkable 20 years ago. Thanks to advanced developments and high-tech devices, it is possible to provide even more and better treatments in...
The newest member of the FAULHABER metal planetary gear family is here: the 14 GPT. This compact addition to the series delivers high torque with minimal volume, making it ideal for demanding applications where space is limited. It is extremely robust, capable of withstanding frequent...
A motion controller with even more possibilities: With the new MC 3602 B and MC 3606 B motion controllers, the selection and commissioning of drive systems is now even simpler. With the compact MC 3602/06 B, DC-motors, brushless DC-motors and linear motors can be operated with the...
Schönaich – With the launch of the IEP3, FAULHABER expands its product line with an incremental encoder which, thanks to the latest chip technology, achieves a very high resolution and accuracy. With a diameter of just 8 mm, the IEP3 is very lightweight and compact yet still offers a...
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