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Beginning with something extraordinary and then going even further with every detail—that’s how one could describe the concept of car manufacturer Bugatti. For the display of the upcoming luxury model “Tourbillon,” something truly special will be presented. Instead of a digital...
The image of a person plowing their fields with oxen and a harrow is a thing of the distant past. This labor-intensive work has been almost entirely taken over by large agricultural machines, which farmers can operate comfortably. These machines are now indispensable—the demand for...
Cats can easily spot their prey in the dark. This is thanks to the tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer in their eyes. Humans, on the other hand, need technical assistance to amplify residual light to likewise see well at night. Various technologies are available for this purpose. All...
Many standard recurring jobs in routine medical laboratory work are being performed through partial automation and additional manual work involving increased staffing levels, e.g. blood group determination or anti-body tests. Massive savings can be achieved by using state-of-the-art...
Although the ancient Greek "nano" means "dwarf", in the nano sector the dwarf would be a giant. In the technical realm, "nano" means ten to the power of negative nine, or one billionth. In addition, parts even smaller than this are possible – for example, the intricate shapes that...
There was a time telemedicine meant holding a heart-rate monitor up to the phone receiver to play an audible signal. Modern telepresence robots like the RP-Vita from InTouch Health do more than put a patient’s diagnostic information in the hands of an offsite doctor; they create a...
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