In order to facilitate your search for the right linear actuator, our experts guide you through the selection process in five steps.
lire plusThe FAULHABER experts show you step-by-step how to determine the relevant parameters for calculating and selecting a linear motor.
lire plusSome of the recent research activities in the area of electric motor drives for critical applications (such as aerospace and nuclear power plants) are focused on looking at various fault tolerant motor and drive topologies.
lire plusTo assist you in choosing and subsequently using a stepper motor, we have compiled eight frequently addressed topics regarding microstepping operation with stepper motors.
lire plusGet to know how to recognize step losses in stepper motors and how to prevent them by following the five steps described in this tutorial.
lire plusWhen selecting a Coreless Brush DC Motor for an application, or when developing a powered prototype, there are several basic motor physics principles which must be considered to produce a safe, well-functioning, sufficiently-powered precision drive system.
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