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The new MC 3001

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Meet the smallest Motion Controller that is available worldwide! In this webinar, we will introduce you to our new MC 3001 Motion Controllers, available as MC 3001 B (board-to-board connectors) or MC 3001 P (28-pin plug connector). With the new MC 3001 motion controllers, we complete the FAULHABER MC V3.0 generation of controllers for smaller motor series. Our expert holding this webinar was, among other things, responsible for the development of this MC V3.0 generation. The controllers are extremely miniaturized and very powerful. Don’t compromise on function and flexibility but make use of its small size. We show you how. After the webinar, you will be able to set it up, quick start it and you will know, which motors are a perfect match for your application using the new Motion Controllers.



FAULHABER photo of Dr. Andreas Wagener
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener

Head of System Engineering
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener obtained an engineering degree with specialization in electric drives from Erlangen University and earned his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from Ulm University, working on hybrid drive-trains. After a few years at dSPACE, being responsible for automotive system integration HIL test-systems, he joined the FAULHABER’s R&D team in 2007. Dr. Wagener is your expert for MotionControl applications. In his position as group leader of the MotionControl application support firmware architecture, he was responsible for the development of the FAULHABER MC V3.0 generation. “I am able to answer all the technical questions around a FAULHABER MotionControl or SpeedControl system. Due to many years of experience I am also “speaking” CANopen on C1 level.”


  • Introduction to FAULHABER Motion Controllers
  • The new MC 3001 for smaller motor series
  • Quick starting a MC 3001 Motion Controller
  • Features of the MC 3001
  • How to set it up
  • Which motor series fit the new MC 3001

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