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Stepper Motors - Selection and optimization


This webinar will provide you the key information to help you properly select the most appropriate FAULHABER stepper motor for your application. You will learn how to use the material provided in the datasheets to optimize your application and get the most out of the stepper motors. Additionally, we will also address topics related to the choice of power supply and motor windings, as well as the good design practices when it comes to stepper motors. Finally, a focus will be given on different digital tools provided by FAULHABER to assist you in your selection process. A Question & Answer session will conclude the webinar.

Language: English


  • Stepper motor technology introduction
  • Selection of the motor based on the working points
  • Considerations about the windings and power supply
  • FAULHABER tools to help the selection process
  • Questions & answers

(This webinar is available in English only)


FAULHABER photo of Julien Berger
Julien Berger

Sales Engineer
Master of Science in Microengineering and a Minor in Biomedical technology, EPFL 2020 Operations traineeship at PMI - three missions in the Engineering, Production and Quality departments (1 year 2020-2021). Joined FAULHABER Precistep in April 2021 as application engineer.

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