Stampa Acquisti
Stampa Acquisti

Drive System Technology Selection

English Flag of Germany German

In less than 45 minutes, our webinar will get you set to select the right system for your application, based on your specific requirements and desired product characteristics. Our expert will make sure that you will have received important information on the different technologies that are being used in FAULHABER drive systems. For example, he will show you how to calculate the perfect fitting drive. Furthermore, you will see how FAULHABER combines the different technologies to obtain a complete drive system by combining motors, gearheads, sensors, screws, brakes or drive electronics.

Language: English


FAULHABER photo of Mario Zecchin
Mario Zecchin

Product Manager
After obtaining a Master in Applied Electronics Engineering from University of Padua, Mario Zecchin worked as development engineer for Micromotori Elettrici Svizzera SA, Stabio, responsible for automotive headlamp actuators, followed by holding a position as scientific mechatronics staff at Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), collaborating with Swiss industries for innovative projects. Zecchin joined FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA in 2007 as product manager motion control, then as senior sales engineer and now as Engineer Digital Sales and Systems.
Language: German


  • Drive system selection overview
  • Requirements for a good drive system selection
  • A compact gear system: the gearhead
  • Gearhead technology selection: planetary and spur design
  • Sensor and encoder technologies selection
  • Motor technology selection: DC, brushless, stepper, linear motors (Drive calculation)
  • Customization of drive system for high performance applications
  • Drive electronics selection
  • The motion control system: integration of motor and motion controller
  • Some examples of applications where different drive system technologies can be used


FAULHABER photo of Anton Kascheutow
Anton Kascheutow

Inside Sales Engineer
With his background as a Bachelor of Engineering, acquired at Aalen University, Anton Kascheutow has more than 8 years of experience in application consultancy and sales. He has been working at FAULHABER as an application consultant in the Sales department for 4 years and is currently jointly responsible for technical application consultancy for the German market. He specializes in customer-specific solutions, checking their feasibility and analyzing potential approaches.

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