Press Inkoop
Press Inkoop

The new MC 3001 B/P mini drive Motion Control in the size of a stamp


This webinar provides a brief overview of the motor drivers we have available and highlight one of the latest motion controllers we had recently developed, the MC3001 B/P.  We will review the unique features of the MC3001 B/P that distinguishes it from previous FAULHABER controllers. From there we will revisit our motion controller portfolio as a whole and provide guidance on the proper selection of a controller for an application.

Language: English


  • Brief introduction to our MC3.0 controllers
  • Introduction to MC3001 B/P
  • The distinguishing features of the MC3001
  • Optimal MC3.0 controllers to operate FAULHABER motors
  • Controller software


FAULHABER photo of Pier Belizaire
Pier Belizaire

Inside Sales Engineer
Pier Belizaire obtained a bachelor of science in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics. He joined FAULHABER in 2019. As an expert for motion control systems, he is an experienced “speaker” of CANopen on a C1 level.

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