Press Inkoop
Press Inkoop

Squeeze the power of flat BXT brushless motors

English Flag of Germany German

In this webinar, we present our ultra-flat and at the same time powerful BXT motor. We will go into detail about the technology of this drive and look at why we only have a minimal cogging torque despite the iron in the winding. We will see which options this motor series offers and with which other components they can be combined to a drive solution. We will then look at application examples for this motor and select a drive system based on an example using our Faulhaber Drive Calculator.

Language: English


FAULHABER photo of Mario Zecchin
Mario Zecchin

Product Manager
After obtaining a Master in Applied Electronics Engineering from University of Padua, Mario Zecchin worked as development engineer for Micromotori Elettrici Svizzera SA, Stabio, responsible for automotive headlamp actuators, followed by holding a position as scientific mechatronics staff at Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), collaborating with Swiss industries for innovative projects. Zecchin joined FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA in 2007 as product manager motion control, then as senior sales engineer and now as Engineer Digital Sales and Systems.
Language: German


  • Flat BXT brushless motor technologies
  • Minimum torque ripple characteristics
  • Options and combination possibilities
  • Applications with BT motors
  • Drive system selection


FAULHABER photo of Regina Kilb
Regina Kilb

International Sales Engineer
Regina Kilb completed her degree in engineering at Esslingen University and then moved to Lake Constance where she gained a masters degree in mechanical engineering and international sales management at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz. After starting as a trainee in international sales in 2014, she is now active at FAULHABER as an Engineer Digital Sales and Systems. "It is always interesting to see what customers do with our drives. I see my role as an interpreter between their needs and our development work."

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