Press Inkoop
Press Inkoop

FAULHABER Speed Controller - Optimal use and customer-specific adaptation

English Flag of Germany German

FAULHABER Speed Controllers are specifically designed to get the most out of FAULHABER DC and BL motors. They are compact, easy to operate and offer precise as well as efficient speed control. The individual speed control can be set easily via a computer and the free "FAULHABER Motion Manager" software. In our webinar, our expert Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wagener will introduce you to our range of speed controllers, explain their standard functions and will talk in detail about customer specific extensions. After the webinar, you will be able to set up a Speed Controller, know how to quick start it and which motors and which Speed Controllers are a perfect match for your application. Of course, our expert will gladly answer all of your questions at the end of the webinar.

Language: English


FAULHABER photo of Dr. Andreas Wagener
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener

Head of System Engineering
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener obtained an engineering degree with specialization in electric drives from Erlangen University and earned his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from Ulm University, working on hybrid drive-trains. After a few years at dSPACE, being responsible for automotive system integration HIL test-systems, he joined the FAULHABER’s R&D team in 2007. Dr. Wagener is your expert for MotionControl applications. In his position as group leader of the MotionControl application support firmware architecture, he was responsible for the development of the FAULHABER MC V3.0 generation. “I am able to answer all the technical questions around a FAULHABER MotionControl or SpeedControl system. Due to many years of experience I am also “speaking” CANopen on C1 level.”
Language: German


  • Introduction to FAULHABER Speed Controllers
  • How to set it up
  • Which motor series fit which speed controller
  • Standard functions
  • Customer specific extensions


FAULHABER photo of Dr. Andreas Wagener
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener

Head of System Engineering
Dr. Ing. Andreas Wagener obtained an engineering degree with specialization in electric drives from Erlangen University and earned his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from Ulm University, working on hybrid drive-trains. After a few years at dSPACE, being responsible for automotive system integration HIL test-systems, he joined the FAULHABER’s R&D team in 2007. Dr. Wagener is your expert for MotionControl applications. In his position as group leader of the MotionControl application support firmware architecture, he was responsible for the development of the FAULHABER MC V3.0 generation. “I am able to answer all the technical questions around a FAULHABER MotionControl or SpeedControl system. Due to many years of experience I am also “speaking” CANopen on C1 level.”

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