Press Inkoop
Press Inkoop

Accuracy with stepper motors


This webinar will provide you the key information to better understand how accuracy works with stepper motors. You will learn the main theoretical basis behind accuracy and precision, and which elements have an influence on the accuracy of stepper motors. Additionally, we will also address topics related to the accuracy when stepper motor are combined with linear components or with encoders. Finally, we will focus on the use of the FAULHABER Drive Calculator to select an appropriate stepper motor combination. A Question & Answer session will conclude the webinar.

Language: English


  • Introduction about accuracy & Precision
  • Accuracy characterization & calculation for stepper motors
  • Accuracy with linear components combinations
  • Accuracy with encoder combinations
  • FAULHABER Drive Calculator
  • Questions & answers

(This webinar is available in English only)


FAULHABER photo of Julien Berger
Julien Berger

Sales Engineer
Master of Science in Microengineering and a Minor in Biomedical technology, EPFL 2020 Operations traineeship at PMI - three missions in the Engineering, Production and Quality departments (1 year 2020-2021). Joined FAULHABER Precistep in April 2021 as application engineer.

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