Stampa Acquisti
Stampa Acquisti

Designing drives with the FAULHABER Drive Selection Tool

English Flag of Germany German

Are you unfamiliar with our products but have specific requirements in terms of operating mode and load parameters, such as the speed and torque? Our versatile FAULHABER Drive Selection Tool allows you to narrow down the perfect FAULHABER drive system for your project consisting of a motor, gearhead and encoder – and then make a specific enquiry. Furthermore, it allows you to calculate dc motors and other drives. During the webinar, our experts Mario Zecchin and Christian Hipp will demonstrate the tool in detail and explain all important functions. And of course there is always time for your questions.

Language: English


FAULHABER photo of Mario Zecchin
Mario Zecchin

Product Manager
After obtaining a Master in Applied Electronics Engineering from University of Padua, Mario Zecchin worked as development engineer for Micromotori Elettrici Svizzera SA, Stabio, responsible for automotive headlamp actuators, followed by holding a position as scientific mechatronics staff at Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), collaborating with Swiss industries for innovative projects. Zecchin joined FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA in 2007 as product manager motion control, then as senior sales engineer and now as Engineer Digital Sales and Systems.
Language: German


  • Introduction FAULHABER Drive Selection Tool (FDST)
  • Advantages of the FDST compared to conventional drive designs
  • Drive design
    - Choices, filter options
    - Intermittend operation
  • A look into the future
  • Your requests for future generations of FDST
  • Your questions answered by our expert


FAULHABER photo of Christian Hipp
Christian Hipp

Inside Sales Engineer
Christian Hipp has more than 11 years of experience in machine construction and has held positions in service, programming and project management. The electrical engineer and technical business manager has been at FAULHABER for 4 years and, as part of Internal Sales Germany, the ambitious mountain biker is responsible for the south-west region of the country.

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