Presse Achat
Presse Achat

Drive systems for space applications


In this webinar, our expert will drive you through our experiences in space applications, starting with an overview about space economy and the importance of commercial off the shelf products in this market. The main requirements, applicable to drive units, will be analysed to understand the approach used to satisfy some of them. Concrete applications, and their use, will be described focusing on the specific function of the drive unit and the customizations implemented. A dedicated Q&A session will allow the attendees to ask questions about the topics discussed.



  • Brief introduction on Space Economy
  • Customized Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
  • Main requirements for space application
  • Applications where miniature drives are used
  • Case studies
  • Questions & answers


FAULHABER photo of Roberto Camagni
Roberto Camagni

Inside Sales Engineer
Roberto Camagni obtained a Master in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and joined FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA in 2014 as Sales Engineer. Since 2016 he is Team Leader of the Inside Engineer Team.

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