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Presse Achat

Best use of Stepper Motors


In this webinar, you will learn more about the Faulhaber stepper motor technology, and when to use it. Due to their open-loop control orientation, these motors are dedicated to positioning applications and intermittent operations. Details about datasheet specifications will be provided to help understand the critical parameters to consider while selecting the motor.
The stepper motor performances will highly depend on the controller parameters and configuration. Making the right choices for current control or microstepping is really important to optimize the stepper behavior. Interesting tips and tricks about control and motor performances optimizing will be provided, as well as the limits to consider in their implementation.

Language: English


  • Stepper motor technology introduction
  • Understanding a Faulhaber stepper motor datasheet
  • Current control: Increase power supply voltage to compensate inductive effects
  • Micro-stepping: Advantages and considerations


FAULHABER photo of  Thomas Wuergler
Thomas Würgler

Inside Sales Manager
After completing his studies in embedded electronics, Thomas Würgler worked for 6 years as research and development engineer in the space industry. This period allowed gathering deep experience in microsystems design and high quality standards. Joining Faulhaber in 2015 as application engineer was a natural step to pursue supporting high technology projects by providing technical support on high end motors.

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