On this platform we provide you with the very latest news from FAULHABER, report on the many different application areas for FAULHABER products, publish interesting technology articles, present new products, and much more besides.
The newest member of the FAULHABER metal planetary gear family is here: the 14 GPT. This compact addition to the series delivers high torque with minimal volume, making it ideal for demanding applications where space is limited. It is extremely robust, capable of withstanding frequent...
Driverless driving is a topic which is currently attracting a great deal of attention from experts and media alike. Driverless racing cars have now competed against each other for the first time in “Formula Student Driverless” in August 2017 in the “Formula Student Germany”...
Miniature drives and microdrives can be found in virtually all areas of automation technology and have a correspondingly wide variety of applications. These range from medical technology and laboratory automation as well as general machine construction and intralogistics through to...
While electric mobility is becoming ever more popular, there is still room for developing functional standard technologies in some areas. One such example is the way cars are charged: nobody wants to see streets littered with charging stations. And while inductive charging is largely...
In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, intralogistics play a critical role. For fully automated production from batch size one, the right parts must be transported to the production stations at the right time. With an innovative, autonomous transport system,...
It is neither fatal nor infectious but very diffi cult to manage and extremely expensive to society: the widespread medical disorder of chronic back pain. A motorised exoskeleton can provide relief to the especially vulnerable lumbar spine. French manufacturer Japet relies on...
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