On this platform we provide you with the very latest news from FAULHABER, report on the many different application areas for FAULHABER products, publish interesting technology articles, present new products, and much more besides.
With every new development and advancement in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries, there are benefits to human health as well. Progress brings significant advantages to treatments and therapies. However, these industries are often also confronted with challenges. New...
The image of a person plowing their fields with oxen and a harrow is a thing of the distant past. This labor-intensive work has been almost entirely taken over by large agricultural machines, which farmers can operate comfortably. These machines are now indispensable—the demand for...
How can ideas for inclusion be realized? And how can comprehensive accessibility be achieved? These questions are being tackled not only theoretically but also practically. The scientists and engineers at the MedTech Lab of the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)...
How can technology help to overcome barriers? And how can modern technologies be used to make everyday life easier for people with physical disabilities and, in this sense, overcome limits? The MedTech Lab at the Swiss University of Applied Sciences OST is looking for answers and...
How will the drive actually behave in the real-life application? For brushless DC-motors from FAULHABER, this question can be answered without any hardware whatsoever. They were recently added as virtual modules to a library and can be integrated into modeled applications using the...
Driverless driving is a topic which is currently attracting a great deal of attention from experts and media alike. Driverless racing cars have now competed against each other for the first time in “Formula Student Driverless” in August 2017 in the “Formula Student Germany”...
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