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Croglio - The students of the Mechanical Engineering program at the ETH in Zurich presented the autonomous underwater robot "Belle" at the Swiss Robotics Day at the beginning of November. The robot, which is equipped with artificial intelligence (AI), not only looks like a fish, but...
Faster, more efficient, more sustainable – due to global competition in industry combined with booming online trade, transport structures in intralogistics are facing new challenges. The industries' answer: Automation. From storage to shipping, key work steps are being taken over by...
Industry 4.0 and Intralogistics 4.0 are changing the production environment long term. The need for autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) as well as the requirements on them are becoming more and more complex. In order to enable the industry to keep up...
As is the case with any type of infrastructure, sewers require regular maintenance. But the often narrow pipes below the ground are difficult to access. Instead of unearthing them at great expense, users of trenchless renovation procedures use specialized robots that carry out the...
"Smart farming" is an important part of the answer to this existential question: Extremely high efficiency in food production through the targeted use of the latest technology, computer-supported and – where possible – fully automatic. Seeds are individually and precisely placed;...
In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, intralogistics play a critical role. For fully automated production from batch size one, the right parts must be transported to the production stations at the right time. With an innovative, autonomous transport system,...
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