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Building of FAULHABER Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Penang, Malaysia

FAULHABER Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Penang/Malaysia)

Customers from Malaysia are supported locally on-site with FAULHABER products and services by FAULHABER Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., which was founded in 2017. In addition to the strengthened presence on-site, which enables increased customer proximity, e.g., for customer-specific projects or after relocation to Malaysia, the subsidiary in Penang is also tasked with serving the increasing demand for products from the Malaysian market.



FAULHABER Malaysia Sdn Bhd
1A-2-01 & 02 · One Precinct
Lengkok Mayang Pasir Bayan Baru
11950 Penang

Tel.: +60 4 619 2570
Fax: +60 4 619 2670

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